You shouldn’t be even have to unite from within. You should just be on the receiving end of justice and get the respect and reparations deserved from having earned it. The last senator who owned a sharecropping plantation with broken shacks that the black “laborers” lived in, where there was no running water and he took most of their crop and garnished their wages laterally at the company store gave his endorsement to Jimmy Carter for President. That was Senator Eastland in the 1976 presidential election. As a result, Carter won Mississippi. This need for reparations is not “ancient history.” Most people will refuse to believe this fact, even after watching this modern documentary by two black Americans from Detroit who went to film it called the Cotton Pickin Truth (on Amazon, believe it or not).
The fact is, what is owed is owed. I’m talking just about back wages to the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren of those who literally built the roads, cleared the lands, and were forced to pick cotton for a U.S. senator who died within my lifetime. I’m not even talking about the interest owed on those wages or the vast sum owed by the very immorality and depravity from owning and beating black American workers.
You are right. The only only responsibility you have as a black American is to continue on your path. I do believe we can all still join you in demanding Justice. You are doing the key work of speaking out. But when millions of black Americans marched on the Capitol in the 1960s and 1990s, it was peaceful. When thousands of whites did in 2021, it was violent. Think of those different protests: Who is really doing the work of justice and who the work of injustice?
Reparations Now!