You Say Mulatto, I Say Creole

Bren Kelly
9 min readMar 27, 2023

Please Don’t Call the Whole Thing Off

The new trending tattoo for white allies supporting the black American soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War
The new trending tattoo for white allies supporting the black American soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War and spilled blood to found America [image borrowed gently from a white supremacist]

History is outdated. Our version we live by is white. But in America it wasn’t always. And it wasn’t unified at all before the Civil War. That appearance of unity is false, newly constructed, and must end. It is damaging blacks Americans more than they know.

As I’ve pointed out before, the White American Narrative we know live by, the one that DeSantis and the like are trying to protect by banning African American history, censoring any book with diversity in it, being anti-woke (anti-diversity), are just the latest round to protect what they fought to shape.

The Narratives and metaphors of American history shape our mind, our thinking, how we approach or enforce the law. They have always been fought over in this divided country and now must be changed. Preserving some outdated narrative of White America is to preserve the victory the South had over the North.

But that story of White America offends my ancestors. It doesn’t allow for the differences to occur. I recently found out I have slave ancestors, but not all slaves are equal. Although slavery is always “bad”, it is not always “equal.”

I have done more digging into my past since I got my ancestry test that revealed three African slaves in my past, at least one of which was a black woman that…



Bren Kelly

Engaged in new Ideas and old Inequalities, dismantling the system in systemic, born on the 50th Anniversary of Women's Lib Day, still seeking injustices.