Yes, the Boston anti-desegregation riots against bussing to integrate the schools were a display of naked racist hatred from 1974-1976. Interracial violence continued as a result of Morgan v. Hennigan concerning bussing filed in 1972 by the NAACP. The resulting violence a direct result that lasted for 2 years of riots, and continued to at least 1993. The case was not fully resolved until 1990. Sundown laws and ordinances were created up north and in the Midwest before redlining to keep migrating blacks out of the mostly white towns after the Civil War.
The sheer volume of the them (600 in Missouri alone, but a whole county in Connecticut was declared for whites only) across many states all the way Oregon and California made it only “natural” that a redlining law was made as a result in the 1930s. The FHA created in the 1960 remained until 1998 mostly for white home buyers. A study In Wisconsin only recently showed a white family qualifying for a home at the in $25,000 yearly salary in the 1990s has the same rate of rejection as a black family with a yearly income of $125,000. The systemic part of systemic racism doesn’t mean you need lynchings or overt acts. It means whites in fancy neighborhoods can lock out blacks with a smile and maintain their blue blood dignity while doing so, since the federal mortgage practices can do the dirty work for them.