Yes, it happened in the county in Western New York where I was born and raised, right near Niagara Falls, one of the wonders of the world. But this other natural wonder is more troubling: the constant sympathy an older white judge has one the assailant. The judge commuted the eight year recommended sentence on his own free will because he didn’t want to ruin that poor (rich) boys potential. He didn’t say, “Those poor girls, all four of them will have this hanging over their head for the rest of their lives.” He says it will hang over the victims head. I read the book by Chanel Miller on the Brock Turner case and was awed by writing ability and depth of insight. Really a must read: Know My Name. This judge should be ousted just like the Brock Turner judge. Unfortunately, it is not California and the national media doesn’t care. We simply need to get rid of white male judges for rape cases. Step one. Step two, rich white males automatically get five extra years.