Yes, I agree with you and still give, mostly to Warnock, Demmings, Stacy Abrahams, and perhaps something to other minority and progressive female candidates and women. While I'm aware that this internet, grassroots style started with the success of Howard of Vermont and couldn't be ignored after that, I only point on the messaging itself. I don't find the texts and emails I get two to three times a day from each candidate to be inspiring. It's the messaging I disagree with.
True, Schumer and other whites use similar messaging, yet it misuses my attention by not inspiring but instead just saying "gimme." I don't find them or any of them inspiring much, even though they've battled through a tough story and struggled valiantly to earn their up, like Warnock.
King "won" "a lot" of money when he got the Nobel prize, but we remember that speech, no one talks about the money.
Thanks again for your insights.