Wow, what? Some ignorant fool let told this British guy to write about Reparations in America? Not only does he sound completely ignorant and insulting, he sounds pure klan. His headline just hit me again, worse than the first time, after I got the end. Black people are out for Revenge? That’s not even decent Fox News coded dog whistling (though I’m sure they’ll borrow it). What he is saying is that “the super predator is coming to hunt you, he’s hiding in the bushes.” This is the referral to “the dangerous n-@* Is coming for your white women.” I see the pitchforks and townspeople getting out the rope now. This is horrific and vastly terrifying; it’s not tone deafness, it’s a call to arms. And that’s exactly why we need reparations now, not symbolic gestures.
Would he have ever written and The Sun published: “America Needs to Stop Celebrating Holocaust Day and Shut Down Its Museums Now. They didn’t kill any Jews. It was the Germans and why do the have to make American school children full of white guilt for what they didn’t do more than ten years ago. That German killing went on more then 85 years ago. In Germany! Why are they ripping out the bandage and pull apart and old wound. It’s too in fashion today to be whining about hurt someone suffered, and this one not even on the North America continent.” I can absolutely guarantee that had The Sun published that equivalent of this article in terms of Jews, they would be flooded with phone calls and hate mail demanding an apology from the editor who would be now firing the writer. If they were forced to apologize for this piece of pure bigotry in their “editorial” they would have to say something like, “Oh my, our British chap forgot that American genocidal extrajudicial lynchings and murders when on from the end of the Civil War until after World War 2 when the German ovens had cooled. Fired the fact checker, too. We forgot about that bit chums.”
That’s why we need not just reparations now, but museums, at least twice as many as the German Jews in America get, for an American racial murder and rape spree that destroyed black families and their various native cultural identities and went on to 1950 (actually the last lynching was Michael Donald in 1981 as I just saw). And two days for the American Holocaust Remembrance since the German Jews get one, internationally (January 27) and a full damn week in America called Days of Remembrance (April 24-May 1). Thanks Congress for giving the German Jews a full week, you bastards, and American blacks nothing. Take care of your own first!
Keep on bringing it, Sir Jaron.