Why is it “obvious”? Obvious means that there is something strikingly apparent at first glance. There is nothing to look at but an abstraction, an idea of guilt. For decades and decades verdicts were unfairly rendered about blacks based on little more than a spotty eyewitness account. Lynchings occurred like the famous one in East Texas where a black man was found guilty of rape and hung from a tree immediately afterwards for hours, then burned and had his limbs cut off. Well, we just have to accept the verdict. I agree with most of what you write and your clear prose and style, and thankful some writers on Medium like yourself are thoughtfully and skillfully reviewing this case. I’m just brining to light something I’ve heard repeatedly in the media moments after the verdict was read, even by the most level headed analysts I tune into, to suggest that ideas rapidly and unconsciously spread across the public that seem innocuous yet are loaded with unconscious manipulative presuppositions that have to be unpacked to grasp the true meaning of their intended impact.