What it Is and How to Avoid It
The Original American pandemic disease
What is it and what are the symptoms?
You know it when you see it or hear it in infected individuals or infected crowds.
Symptoms include: Fits of blinding rage; obsessed about becoming a poll watcher at elections; the irrational need take back a government you’ve been controlling for hundreds of years; addiction to gun buying leading to 3 or 10 or more guns; stockpiling hollow point bullets and 3-D printing plastic bumper stocks banned by communist lawmakers who pledged allegiance to false black president; use of the n word, especially in public captured or on the radio, not caring it is filmed and uploaded to YouTube to become viral; describing candidate for Supreme Court Judge “Lesser Black Woman” on line: finding racist code words and repeating them from politicians with no explanations or what they mean (Law and Order, CRT); promoting alternative facts, believing lies at all costs, binging on Fox and obscure news outlets (OAN), and 4chan; desire to “rescue” underage children at the border after reading very short sentence tweets about pedophile-loving female ex-presidential candidate eating babies and giving toddlers to her husband and male companions to “pass around” in the basement of Washington pizza shops; cheating at golf with companions watching.
How does it spread?
With repeated exposure to lies and repeating them; refusing to write two or more clear sentences in a row; speaking ‘word salad’; buying guns on weekdays when you already own two; listening to excessive country music and demanding original country western when asked; if you can remember practicing square-dancing in your room in the evening after starting that unit in gym class in 10th or 11th grade; collecting assault rifles but never hunting; playing golf with cheaters and not calling them out when seeing them cheat; attending Trump rallies during work days; thinking Tucker Carlson is handsome or intelligent.
What can you do about it?
Steer clear of individuals who appear to be infected. DO NOT Engage in internet flame wars or make responses of any types; do not comment on Q-anon, gun control, or Peppe the Frog on the internet or loudly in public; do not engage in road rage drivers; when road rage drivers cut you off and look like those with the highest infection rate, white males with mullets or white entitled lawyer or dentists, keep your window rolled up at all times and don’t make eye contact, pick up your cell phone and laugh loudly and smile Iike you are engaged in a funny conversation, especially when they stare at you at red light or when cutting you off and are driving hard driving bully-trucks — pick-ups jacked up on massive springs. Don’t play golf with whites, even if you are white, seek out minorities and/or women and even pay for their game if you get the urge.
Can I protect myself in any way?
Yes. Engage in one or more of the following practices:
◦ Attaching a medium size or large American flag to the back of your car, or at a minimum two small ones on sticks to each side window “dog ear style”; this will also help identify you as an American if police ever stop you, sending a strong signal to the police that occupant of the car is a fellow citizen; even these dog-ear flags practice has been known to stop the reflexive reaction of reaching for the gun if they suspect the occupant is a minority or opening the glove box;
◦ Subscribe to gun and hunting magazines and announce loudly when getting your mail at a common mailbox on your front porch every time loudly, “Looks like my new issue of Field and Stream is Here.”
◦ Wearing or owning a bright red hat, which could have nothing on it but better if it had MAGA, or alternative words that are close enough to confuse others like GAGA, MEGA, BURGER, GAMER, 5CHAN, of Make Me Great Again, or Make Me a Burger Please.
◦ Playing golf and cheating with others watching.
Can black Americans get it?
No. The vast majority of black Americans (ADoS, CHOSSA, Original or Originalist Black Americans, etc.) about 95%, have built up “herd” immunity through deep distrust of shared history. Although they are widely different in personality structure, life goals, values, regional accents, education, and largely unrelated and unknown to each other despite what whiters with the disease may believe due to infection, many share the common experiences or understanding that white people in general, especially those in power who exhibit signs of this crippling disease, can be dangerous and untrustworthy.
Black Americans know that many police, especially white males, can pull their guns immediately for the most routine and minor of societal breaches (i.e., jogging, purportedly running a stop sign, walking your dog, living in your own home, shopping be confused for shoplifting, etc.). Many have unfortunately trained their children in police avoidance and how to express immediate compliance with any police they come across for quick encounters, which lessens the chance of getting the disease while also providing immunity build up. But don’t forget the two small American flags ‘dog-ear style’ to confuse those police who are infected.
Some black Americans can get it when exposed, but these are far and few between and are easy to spot. They believe they are wealthy and superior, like Ben Carson, Hershel Walker, Tim Scott, and Herman Cain, and have delusions of grandeur they could be president and lead the white race, or at least be a senator and accepted by it. Others like Candance Owens pretend they have it to make big money and for fame.
[Disclaimer: While the author has not analyzed Mr. Walker’s personal records, many Walker watchers have noted that Mr. Walker has such delusions due to a lifetime of concussions, essentially repeated blasts of high impact on his head that causes brain swelling, confusion, forgetfulness. However, some conclude that he is still sane enough that the other symptoms he has are also overlapping signs of whitecisphoria: lying about one’s top achievements in education when it is commonly known the records don’t reflect any or mediocre results; lying; avoid answers to gun positions; delusions of grandeur; over reliance and high dependence on other members who have it for endorsement of self-image, like supremacist advocate and leading activist ex-president Trump.]
ADDITONAL NOTE: New, just-arrived African immigrants may not have immunity and can catch it. Don’t assume they can’t based on appearance, and make efforts to engage and warn them, though it might not help unless they take all prescribed actions. Since they lived in majority black countries and encountered police officers who were only black and on their side, especially men, they have a developed a false sense of security and most likely they confidently believe they know how to handle them based on past experience and not yet realized how easily U.S. cops (especially whiters) can be triggered as they are very overly sensitive and highly reactive to skin color and cannot judge a person’s personality, values, or ideals or human commonalities outside of the single surface trait of skin color.
Yes, well-trained white police exist, but why have these new immigrants risk it? We want them to survive and thrive in our country so they can bring more family members, stay, and eventually replace those in power who are infected with this disease, some their whole life as part their ‘heritage.’