When Professors Can’t Profess
How To Divide the Palestinians into Scraps
“Hamas is all alone now,” said Tamer Qarmout, a professor of public policy at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. Oh, OK, so you aren’t aware of how a people are connected and formed. Just because people might be named differently, and the West labels those differently named groups as differently named terrorists, driving a mental wedge between them in our minds, doesn’t mean they are a different people in their minds.
Suddenly, it’s like Palestinians aren’t Palestinians, and a professor focusing on the region instead has bought into the western narrative. That’s not hard to believe at all though. Many people outside America see “America as nuts” for electing Trump, not even aware slightly that almost two-thirds of the electorate did NOT vote for him. Yes, two-thirds. One third from Harris and the other third didn’t vote. That’s not a majority; that’s not even united. It’s still divided. And yes, silence is saying something, speaking for those who didn’t vote. We just don’t know what.
Here we have the same situation, a people physically divided by force over decades and decades. The Zionist Jews arrived in 1918, decided to plant themselves in the middle, then grew in the middle, pushing the native Palestinians outward over the decades of “growth.” By the 1970s there were three groups, those in…