What the hell, I am genuinely angry to hear about his arrest against racism, and arresting a non-violent protestor. They just can NOT see black people as NOT a threat, even non-violent ones. I’ve had enough of Manchin and his protest against the filibuster. The filibuster was found int eh 1840’s to repress the idea of freeing blacks and established that the minority could repressing the majority — the democratically elected majority — will of the people. And for over 120 years it remained solely to be used against blacks. It’s just appalling. Manchin needs to be thrown out of the party. There is a progressive wing of the Democratic Party that is sick of racism. Then there is this centrist Manchin-Clinton wing, supporting the repressive goals of the right. These anti-voting rights acts like in Georgia are nothing more then thinly veiled racism and no one is fooled anymore. Thanks for this article, the news of which was not in the ‘mainstream’ press.