Well, that’s true, that one chapter had some issues with donations. But BLM is not one chapter for most; it is an ideal, a set of aspirational beliefs people feel connect to. The NRA on the other hand gave millions to each of my state senators in Texas, along with millions of their members ‘donations’ to a dozen other senators. Millions. To federally paid employed who were paid with my tax dollars. Agencies however don’t take “donations” they take tax dollars. More than $9 trillion dollars were “donated” to two forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that took well over 1.2 million lives total. Had we not invade we would have saved a fortune and the millions of family members of those who died by shock and awe and bullets we paid for would not be suffering in profound grief today and we not invaded by choice. So, yeah, a couple mansions sounds bad, but in the scale of depravity, it is far, far less that we chose to do to other countries where took over a million lives of the innocent animated by some dramatic sense of revenge that drove an investigation to discover piles of weapons that never existed (WMDs). When you pause to compare depravity, this clearly states out against a couple mansion, however real they were, where no one was killed and whole cities in ‘far off lands’ were not reduced to rubble, homes destroyed, businesses raised to the ground by bombs and bullets we paid for.