Wasn’t the massacre a political act primarily? I view as that now, given that this massacre involved political patronage as seen in deputizing whites, which is a political act, as well as a concentration camp guarded by “police” or deputies, that someone sent the National Guard, which meant that a political order came. The point being that perhaps it should be called the Tulsa Genocidal Massacre. Massacre almost seems like an unplanned act of wild and sudden ugly violent rage. Which is was. But it also fit squarely into a long history of deliberate killings, one side and not riots as you point out. These killings all had the central theme of causing deliberate terror and intimidation in blacks and any white sympathizers, so their political democratic voice would be repressed. I think all the murders should be named and find a way to posthumously indict them, just as all the victims should be given honorary Gold American Medal Awards to honor them.