Very funny and well done. The controversy will only drive UP box office sales. The massive international audience will now hear the mermaid is not white, and will go and see it. Disney is still counting the box office receipts from The Black Panther, the fourth biggest global movie in sales. Lesson learned. If a few offended rednecks miss it, then their five year olds will cry. Actually though, after reading about the real one (I saw the statue, it was a bit unimpressive), I think the green mermaid that gets her tale cut and then perhaps kills the prince after he rejects and she got her tongue cut out, would be great. It might be the rate R version, but the revenge aspect of seeing her tale grow back from his blood, with him dead beside her as she dives back into the sea, still green, would be awesome and inspiring for modern girls who realize fairy tale dreams of subjugating oneself to a male provide is not empowering.
Anyways, this film will might be a blockbuster from this controversy. I would be surprised if their marketing department cooked it up. Publicity is so expensive and Disney knows it demographics—old white men who watch Fox and are ranting s don’t go see their movies. (I’m afraid my daughters might drag me though)