Trump Slaughters Children and Women

Bren Kelly
5 min readDec 20, 2021


This Clickbait Title Accurately Portrays American Accountability of NYTimes Report

Child in a war zone waiting for guided bomb
Child in a war zone waiting for guided bomb — Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

Trump killed hundreds and hundreds of women, children, babies, and farmers. The NYT article released today, December 18, 2021, details in treasure trove of secret pentagon paper how the Commander-in-Chief was at the helm of intense bombing. Barely was there a time when targeting of babies, children, women resulting in precise military laser guided bombs went completely unaccounted for.

The President is the Commander-in-Chief and was at the helm of this horrific and deliberate slaughterfest.

The years leading up to this report had the media spread information about how Trump didn’t really review the daily briefings of bombings and slaughter, known as the daily presidential briefings. The reports in that time since Trump left office gave reports on how Trump barely paid attention to daily briefings, showed little interest, didn’t read them, of had them read to him but while he was barely paying attention. These characterizations of the Commander-in-Chief were meant to paint a picture of someone who heard the reports but couldn’t be interested or take interest of the rampant killings of women and children and farmers in Syrian and Middle Eastern areas of Muslims inhabitants.

The idea of the preparation of these reports on major networks and in articles, paved the way for acceptance that the Commander-in-Chief as the elected civilian, whose job it is to run the military, was somehow not responsible for these extremely well-targeted air strikes, often lead by secretive ground forces. The idea of Trump’s disinterest was meant to prepare the public, inside America in particular and outside America in general, that Trump should not be held responsible for as war crimes for the killing and targeting of women and children.

Somehow, he is above the law because he was “too lazy” to pay attention and care about the killing of babies, children and women. This media preparation, which occurred before these well-researched documents released by New York Times and were supposedly secretive in nature, is somehow supposed to dissolve the culpability of the Commander-in-Chief and allow the general public to accept the systematic precise murders of women and children as “accidental.” That because no one was really in charge, that because Obama started or continued these drone bombings (and yes I do think Obama is culpable as well), and that because those staffers in charge around Trump were too busy not paying attention, innocent lives directly viewed through ultra-high powered visual targeting equipment in real time were watched as they were killed.

Another reason not to get angry at Trump, besides his neglect of daily briefings and poor ability to focus, is these most intentional killing occurred in this “fogless” “forever” war. The terminology meant to resolve responsibility and anger would lessen the impact and dissuade the world from seeing these as war crimes. By calling it a “forever war”, we should somehow accept that Trump “inherited” this war, and thus he could not or would not stop it, even if he wanted to. And because he was not paying attention to the daily briefings that we just learned, he didn’t understand what was going on in the “war zone” he was in charge of.

The forever war terminology also shows that he somehow had presidential powers given to him to continue a war with Syria that Congress gave approval for, since the war was on Syrian soil. In fact, Congress never gave permission to go war with Syria that the US public was made aware of, and many of us thought the Iraq campaign and war was over with. Mission Accomplished. The fact that the innocent civilians targeted while being individually looked at through powerful scoping equipment on predator drones, satellites, on the ground monoscopes from special forces, makes it all the more dangerous that decisions to determine civilians were actually terrorists with no markings was justified because we are in a “forever war.”

Presumably, according to this reasoning for calling strikes and firing precise drone missiles at women and children, and farmers, we should accept some military person’s judgement that an unmarked male farmer was a terrorist and any collateral damage — i.e., women and children and babies — was acceptable and should not be treated or judged as a war crime.

By extension, the well targeted killings on any foreign soil should be acceptable as long as we believed a civilian looking male was a terrorist in the eyes of “intelligent officers”. No matter how low-level the supposed civilian looking male is, we should accept their death as justified to stop the ticking “time bomb” that this farmer/terrorist could set off sometime in the future.

Thus, we need to accept, the pre-reporting rep work suggests, that no one is in control of these decisions, and no one is to be held accountable. That because Then-President Trump was not paying attention or too lazy to care, he cannot be held accountable for the atrocities committed.

The military won’t and did not hold itself accountable. We can’t expect them to. Why would they, as it is career suicide for the person who does? In all the cases presented, the deaths were classified under their own system and decisions made were accidental, they did their best, etc. In effect, no one is held accountable for a war that can and does take place across multiple countries, that was not knowingly approved by “the people” our democracy was based on.

If the war powers shown here were taken from the passage of the 2003 Congressional vote of 99–1 to grant power to start a war, it was not seen to be in Syria and continue outside the timeframe. The power was not given to go on more than 15 years later, long after the objective was reached in Iraq and a new government installed and functioning.

It begs the question who is really in control of the decision to kill in a time of peace: the military or the civilian president. Who is to be held accountable, Trump or some low-level colonels, maybe a general or the person who took the orders or targeted the women and children? Or maybe Ivanka Trump, who appears to have been behind the use of military forces to attack Americans during the Trump Bible March photo-op, as another murkily released new document suggests. Ludicrous. The person is charge is the person in charge. When can we hold those we vote to be held responsible responsible?

How much watering down of responsibility do we accept when the Constitution of the United States clearly puts war powers in the hands of one man, the civilian President? The buck does stop there, no matter how much he, or Congress, denies it.



Bren Kelly
Bren Kelly

Written by Bren Kelly

Engaged in Inequalities, dismantling Western Consciousness, confronting American narratives, seeking inherent injustices to address.

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