To be supreme is care only about the money. The US defense contractors are all white supremacists. They don’t even care who wins the wars, only that they drag on. They give to both parties, like the energy companies do, to buy out both sides at once. Trump is the perfect supremacist, as he takes votes from Nazis and Zionist Jews, black men and their white jailers. There’s no irony or hypocrisy to the One on top, only money. I like his naked ambition and lack of hiding as it shows the Truth of the system. He called in the big oil companies to Mary-my-Lego and told them to fork over $1 Billion right now. What’s the point of playing this whole SuperPAC shell game when the people don’t matter anyway. Being supreme means every body gets equally repressed, the super rich, the rich, the middle class, the poor. Why hide who you are and just shine brightly? He calls em in and makes them all beg—that’s how he got Musk under him and following him around like a lap dog. Then he went straight into the Muslim section in Michigan to meet the Muslim voters when Harris wouldn’t let any speak on Gaza or anything. It worked. He got 40 percent of their vote.
Is there any God that doesn’t subjugate all in the Abrahamic golden triangle? Whoever controls the God-Allah-Jahweh has everybody under them, the whole country at once. The Christian nationalists don’t care Trump is not a believer and neither do the Muslim voters, nor the zionists. God is strong, powerful, and above everyone. Ain’t no peace ever broke out in the name of God, only war. No deception now, just a straight supremacist hovering over our nation. Last year the total military “budgetary allocation” according to was $1.94 Trillion with a T. This fiscal year it will be over $2 Trillion to draw down. It’s right there on the Amerikan government website. But people still only repeat what the media says about $880 billion, the small part. The truth lies in plain sight is ignored while people repeat something else, like everyone. But the people on top know.
The Supremacists money counters always know because they make the plan. They know how to get the people to vote to keep slavery in 2022 in Louisiana by voting for it, and then voting to keep it California in Prop 6 in 2024 (54 % of whytes), yet they make the media say there is no systemic racism when these states just voted to keep what the U.S. Constitution calls “slavery or involuntary servitude.” They call one state liberal and the other conservative when they both vote to keep slavery.. Despite this absolute proof based on actual voters voting for the language from the US Constitution, they still bleat out “slavery ended.” Obviously not. There nothing more systemic than that. It’s an institution that alienates all the rights at once and is prison. Slaves never need bars to stand behind to be prisoners. It’s pure autocracy. After 1965, the whyte supremacists scheme a new plan, a national one this time—go big or go home—to disenfranchise blacks and browns nationally. No more staying down in the South. Inn 1982 they kicked it off under Reagan and spread the gospel of stop and frisk. Now 5 million black men are disenfranchised. As long as as they keep repeating that Civil Rihts Movement is over, no one will believe it’s not and fight for it. Peace.