Tim Scott was hired and paid to stand his ground on occasion. The party wants plausible deniability and having black men stand up and say “we are not a racist party,” and “I stand against this nominee because he is racist” can best be done by blacks. It’s not that hard for super billionaires and cent-millionaires behind the biggest and most profitable firms and investment funds who all vote republican to find someone to take their money.
But money is the key issue as supremacy is not “just” about racism, as you correctly note but also about class. Supreme means on top, the best, the apex predator of the hunting pack. What attracts 20 percent of black men or so to hunt with the pack is the thrill of the hunt. It’s better to get some big chunks of fresh kill than starve behind the bushes hoping to clean up any scraps. If the Alpha lets you join, that at least you’re powerful. To be supreme is to be the best, the top. God is on top, the king is on top of the throne, the most supreme thing is [blank]. The point is that the conservative white party pack is not an egalitarian system of equality in practice, and never has been. We are told they are democracy oriented while they are the pack —whether first in the Democratic Party or then moved to the Republican Party in summer 1964— really is not and has been focus on disenfranchising blacks and anyone else from Day One. From before day one. [it just occurred to me that I like the word pack instead of wing as it makes more sense, no?] They are autocracy oriented.
They have always fought to take away rights from blacks and made blacks the lowest after 1676. That meant creating a construct— the lowest visible layer and target, the first to go, the canon fodder, the disposable. In a hierarchy, an autocracy, you don’t praise and protect the lowest in the ranks, but dispose them and use them up. When times are good, they get better scraps, tidbits. When times are touch, they get less than, the soldiers get first dibs as they are identified above them. Black slaves were chosen to be lowest by law in 1676 because after Bacon was disposed of because the rulers need a construct, the darkest looking among them (the mulattos and mestizos or mixed race considered a middle class by law, a kind of buffer) for the whites in the growing colony to get their frustrations out on and rule over. The goal of the Monarch and his British colonial ruler or governor, an autocracy, was to find a way to preserve their power. A white alpha male like Bacon will side with anyone, and everyone, for power. But once this new racial construct was created by law, making a permanent black lower class, meant assigning those whites to rule over the lowest class and making them better than the middle class of mixed race freed men. The anger and resentment of those white challengers could be deflected downward, whip in hand, instead of upward, gun and knife in hand. The Governor and ruling elite could then promote strong whites who stood out and reward them. The daily find of this new system meant grievances had a new place to be aimed at by the rulers, downward. They could signal: do you want to be on the bottom like “them”? The answer was to prove you don’t by obeying and getting rewards, getting promotion. Those who didn’t pull themselves up by their boot straps got “what they deserved.” Cruelty was thus greater and reinforced as the slave population expanding exponentially starting around 1680 and 90s.
Look at this way, if you are allowed to hunt with the pack, then you are some weak fool. Since you know you can be head of the pack, there’s only room for one, and if you can’t beat the man then it’s better to join the pack at least. That’s one explanation, and it involves massive wealth building by those in control of the pack. His followers actually don’t care if is that rich or not, only that he is subjugating the richest and making them beg, like he did to Musk, who is now under him publicly. He casts them out, and if they return then they are allowed to hunt in his pack.
I believe in equality, egalitarianism, justice for all, unalienable natural rights. They don’t. They have not practiced it since 1676. They have a right to steal the name of democracy, the American flag, and anything else they want because taking is a privilege from those who hunt, and if you want something back, you fight like hell to get it back or they keep it. The Democrats say, after this and every election, please give up, please get along, let’s work with the wolves. Trump see the little bunnies being brought out by Biden and Harris acquiescing, tell their flock of sheep, bunnies and kitties to play nicely. His and his alpha wolves only see a feast ahead and think them fools. They have no respect for losers and glad to see them bow. That’s why although I believe deeply in equality and democracy, the white supremacists don’s and fight by any and all dirty tricks possible, which of course includes lying and cheating, threatening and violence. It has been an undying autocratic political philosophy that gets strengthen when not defeated, that grows and takes more, not less.
It seems paradoxical for those for democracy to fight and not bow down, as that means not respecting democracy, which does mean compromising, getting along, struggling to all as equal, and fighting counter instinctually against the so-called “law of the jungle.” But standing up to “bullies” and saying No, I won’t cooperate with your racist intent and actions has to be done. That is the problem of Democrats and why I quit. Not to join the wolf pack but to not lie down to wait to be eaten. They always say lie there in the field next to the lions, not fight like hell. When I come back tomorrow, I’ll find vultures picking at the carcasses and pack have moved on.
Sincerely, your nutty supporter. LOL.