This is an extremely hard to believe story that I totally believe. It is very sad. Looking back it is easy to see what you should have done, but in the moment it is not and we live in the moment. It appears that he spent years not caring at all about what you believed in deep in your souls because you silenced yourself. Protesting for a woman’s right to choose is not some minor issue that a person should be silenced about, but a fundamental belief in the humanity of women, in respecting women despite your beliefs, and in supporting them as family even if you don’t believe in their action to have an abortion. Staying quiet about a belief in democracy, in the right to choose, in respecting others, means your beliefs are not important to your own family and they will reject them and you for having them. Staying silent because of male repression is all too common and the core of his type of “Christianity.”
Great writing and storytelling.