This is all very general and lacks real world experience and real world travel. Just to give you an example, if you travel to Sweden, even the Swedes with personally tell you that they are cold people. I’ve been there, stayed in various EU countries, lived in Siberia. Out of all places, I’ve found in general The Australians to be warmest, the Canadians to be the nicest. But Americans are one of the friendliest. Yes, Germans and others who visit always point out that Americans are always ready with their “fake” smile. But I’ve come to the conclusion that better a fake smile then a real frown. And when you use that ‘fake’ to interject a nice comment or some humor, you can then make a warm social moment between strangers. True, that is an individual responsibility and some individuals choose to yell and scream in public, or “punch down.” But that is not the norm. Every instance captured in a viral YouTube ‘Karen’ video is amplified as everything is America, by the free speech megaphone. But the over amplified media frenzy is deceptive. Most other countries aren’t allowed this outspoken cultural behavior because they are authoritarian or historically culturally restrained in manners. We don’t behead homosexuals like the still do in public squares in Saudi Arabia, or shoot down ‘supposed’ drug dealers like the police do in the Philippines. That’s real cruelty. Sure, school shootings are big problem, and terrifying, but generally I don’t think I live in a cruel country, just one where individuals and the media are over caffeinated. The sky is not falling.