This is a fine idea. I voted for Obama three times (primary first time) not because of his centrist Harvard white values, which are too far to my right, but because he was black. I wanted to see a black man in power, and I gave a small donation to black female candidate running for senate in Florida because she looks like a strong black woman (she looks to be liberal-ish, which is good.) I heard Warnock speak recently and immediately thought I’ll have to donate something. I’m not someone who’s been a political donor, but replacing these whites in federal power is so key to America’s success. The best thing we could see is a Stacy Abrams victory along with Warnock. That would really piss off the supremacists. I don’t know if they could take being ruled by a black woman and imagine some of them would just put a gun to their own temple there on the spot rather than live under her thumb. She is badly competent though, and when her opponent, whiter Kemp, said this week that she’s just practicing running for president in 2024, I was positively excited and thought he just help her campaign. Of course, looking back on that announcement, he was speaking in code, which meant don’t let GRT happen in Georgia or the US, don’t let a black woman rule us, “if we don’t stop her here in Georgia, than the White House is next, just like Obama but worse because she’s a woman.” But I’m still excited, because now I’m hopefully people and black women in particular, who made a big difference in the last Georgia election and got Warnock in, won’t tolerate that racist GRT garbage anymore, will get out to vote again and defeat that racist pig. It’s time.