There is a unified idea that blacks did not vote before 1868. This is simply not true. Black Americans voted in every election. It’s not that it was all of them, of course many of them were banned over and over and over again, and slaves were banned as well.
But there are clear examples of women in blacks voting throughout US history, and even some examples nullify the idea that it was only old white men. This idea of old white men comes exclusively from the white supremacist ideals that have played society and have been brainwashed into people into believing that the country was founded by old white men. That simply is false. The ideals of the country were meant for everyone. That’s what natural and eligible rights are. The Deists of the day, many of them founders, believed rational thought, coming from the age of enlightenment, was meant to be an internal exercise by each person, a belief call natural rights which served as a foundation of government, and it was expressly opposite the notion of authority coming from a text, like the Bible, that is unquestioning, and we must obey. Hobbes’ philosophy of the social contract supported autocracy in 1651, but Locke and other vigorously opposed that.
in fact, nine of 13 states had freed black Americans voting in it in 1834. The movement was successfully gaining ground. Even a handful of black Americans voted, then meant they were citizens by default. We have brainwashed the counter examples showing the opposite out of history. Everybody reading such a thing like black Americans were citizens because they voted in 1834 will contradict it with their own internal reason of what they’ve been brainwashed to believe instead of using facts and reason as the founders wanted.
Granted that the country did not all practice freedom. The pros slave states continually agitated against an valuable rights of man so that they could repress black Americans into continued slavery. But practicing and principles conflict naturally, and the principles were the correct ones founded democracy on. Holistically, the southern states did not adopt those principles into state constitutions until 1865 when they were forced to at gunpoint. The northern states did. If you look at the country is a hole And judge it by those states that were against democracy, then no, we’ve never been a democracy until after 1865. But when you look at the individual examples of voting or individual states, like Vermont in 1777 that founded its constitution under the guidance of the contractual obligations of the principles expressed in the declaration of independence that all signed, then you can see abolishing slavery happened on a state-by-state basis, and some states live up to the principles of democracy. it is a choice for our representatives to live up to those principles or not. South Carolina aggressively lived against those principles until 1865 and then fought successfully to drown out those principles starting in 1868 and lasting until 1895 when they came up with a new state constitution to eliminate the black Republican party from registering to vote, through murderous insurrection, which was admitted to several times in congressional investigations. They became an autocracy in that year and remains so until 1865. Arkansas passed its state constitution modeled on theirs and Mississippi’s and eliminate 184,000 black registered voters off the 1900 rolls by 1903, when only 3,000 remain. What you don’t see are forces of democracy being granted to some freed black Americans from the beginning and the autocratic forces of conservative MAGA supremacy fighting against the instantiation of democracy from the beginning.
If you view states as separate systems, living up to the ideals of democracy, then you’ll see many states were actually autocracies until 1965, such as Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama. But when you look holistically, then you don’t see the autocracies, and you deny the existence of them. Some states get Credit for advancing democracy since the beginning, like Vermont, and Massachusetts, and some states don’t for failing completely except for a couple years after the Civil War, and after 1965. Trying to desperately view a unified American history is nonsensical whitewashing undertaken with deliberate force starting around 1901.
The term Founding Father didn’t even exist until after that year. We have a continually divided history where liberal whites constantly cave in to this unified myth of a whole system that is not substantiated by the individual facts that work against it. Just my two cents, or as Paine said, Common Sense.