The sisters at the sorority did the right thing in stopping a sober man from taking away a drunk girl over his shoulder to a car. It is better to be safe than sorry. It’s too bad about the guys feelings, tough shit. Many girls get raped on at all kinds of parties and not at parties. The prosecution of rape is 1 percent. That is, 1 percent of all rapes that are reported are prosecuted. Not prosecuted successfully for a verdict of guilty—the verdict could be guilty or not guilty—but just taken seriously enough to be prosecuted. That means the vast majority of women who report rape and or sexual assault (and men), 99 percent, are not taken seriously. And only 20 percent are reported. Most women are too ashamed to report and know they won’t be taken seriously. So screw men’s feelings. If I was taking my drunk daughter out a frat party and they stopped me, then fine, call the cops, get my ID, because these girls protected someone and it’s worth it knowing my daughter would have friends that cared about her.