The personal story of being pinned down at the airport was deeply moving and sad, and for me it seemed like they picked you out for the obvious reason you were black. The terror of having armed assault rifles pointed at by a team of over-hyped “warrior” cops showed this moment of conversion in America to a nationwide irrationality by literal government forces. They appeared to me in your lucid telling to be the actual terrorists, terrorizing their own citizens—black American citizens. These men are far from the “heroes” they think they are. They had all rationality leave their mind by scanning a suitcase and seeing a pair of mustache clippers and a nail file and then going full ballistic instead of being reasonable and just asking nicely. You weren’t non-compliant in any way, and they assumed reasonable suspicion that you were an Al-Quada terrorist born and raised in the US, since they had your passport name and number, who was expertly going to attack a plane based solely on a razor and a nail file.
It makes me think that you can tell more from a person from talking them calmly then yelling and pointing machine guns at them like were invading Mosul instead of living in America. And I believe that was their point. Not to be rational, but by contrast by being irrationally violent and choosing a black man, they spread the idea of fear and criminality to whites passing by and to new cops and airport personal that demonstrated how to be suspicious of black Americans, projecting their white supremacist worldview that there is something inherently criminal and non-American about blacks to others surrounding them and in official positions of power. This atrocious super-macro aggression shows how American government forces on the whole reflexively treat black Americans effectively as second-class citizens or non-citizens not deserving of the standard decency and respect they give whites going through the same line. I would bet they didn’t pick one white out that day or any day ever and give them the identical treatment they gave you. Though I do recall going through the Vegas airport probably a month or later and recall they pulled this older white lady for screening and I thought, Oh, here I go. Nope, didn’t choose me. Oh no, you go ahead sir, no problem. It reminded me of that classic scene in the comedy movie Airplane, and how they cleverly reversed stereotypes to subtlety prove a point.
There is no irony of course for Greene that there were no black people or Europe back in Jesus’s time, that the revolutionary Jews like Jesus the Roman imperialists killed practically daily and thousands were killed and thrown into shallow ditches and not lavish tombs like in John. Jesus in other words was treated like black Americans and the Romans were the supremacists of the time. The New Testament was written in Greek I recall, from my father who was professor of theology and one of the first of two laymen in North America to get a PhD in theology according to his story. The Greeks thought the top two thirds of Europe was inhabited by “pink barbarians” and they like the Romans at the time of Jesus’s birth didn’t want to go up to a place they labeled barbaric, full of savages living on a dirty ice sheet.
The irony that they viewed Europe and the ‘pink’ savages they way Anglo-Saxons view Africa is completely lost on her. The fact the Anglo-Saxon barbarians didn’t even arrive in Britain until 450 AD, ,and when they did those illiterate terrorists sacked the natives, burned and killed them, who were practicing literate Christians at the point, Celts who got literacy from the Roman invaders. Her Anglo ancestors slaughtered Christians and refused to convert to that religion until after another Danish invasion after 870 AD. They knew nothing of Greek philosophy, Jesus, democracy, reading, or anything recognizable as civilization and appropriated all of it after 900 AD. It was mask they put on, an appearance they helped them fool the world they then sacked, occupied and invade on five continents, militarily occupying North and South America, all of Africa after 1884, India and the Middle East, stole Hong Kong, and even marched into Beijing sacking it with 9 western allies, including America in the late 1800s. The mask has fooled everyone; Marge Greene is merely showing white lies beneath it.
Thanks again professor. You’re the one who is the real American —decent, reasonable and brave in the face of barbaric airport savagery.