The old “white slaves” thing. While the prisoner of war slavery could be found on all five continents, it was not the type of industrial slavery found in the New World, didn’t have ownership titles, was not used for exponential wealth generation, served no industrial purposes other than heavy lifting and heavy labor — and perhaps for sexual purposes of the elite. But it was not industrial slavery. In America, financial investors from London, Paris, Bremen—and Philadelphia, New York and Tennessee—put money into the titles of the enslaves like stocks, as investment vehicles and ensured by modern forms of transactions invented to protect the investments. There is nothing like this in “white people” slavery. Today in America, the factories are not attached to prisons where forced labor occurs and international investment is back, with major companies using that forced labor (“slavery or involuntary servitude” under the permission structure of the thirteen amendment). Look at the database of investors on WorthRises by googling that phrase and database. You’ll be shocked how they are used.
President Biden promised to end the other form of slavery, the unprotected and criminal kind. There are 788 federally operated factory homes for the mentally disabled, set up after 1934 by federal executive order. Inside, mentally disabled workers are rented or leased out to companies who used them for simple assembly tasks, for free, paying only a small sum to the government. The Danish company Oticon is one example of a foreign company using that enslaved labor, which is not protected by law.