The number, if we listen to black amateur historians, is much, much higher. The official white government state number is much lower. But the white report also Indicates that over 1,250 homes and two hospitals were destroyed, leaving a scorched path of racial violence encompassing 35 blocks. That’s an incredible amount of damage to leave only 26 dead, or even three hundred.
“What is the most reasonable estimate of how many people died?” Asks interviewer Jeffrey Robinson.
“You’re looking at 4000 people that you cannot account for” Chief Amusan, President, African Ancestral Society says in the documentary film Robinson made. So are you going to believe? I find the number of over 4,000 plausible as they were never found. The reports of the rail car dumping bodies, which they say are under the highways next to the cemetery seem as well plausible, but Oklahoma state, always controlled by white conservative supermajority, won’t agree to look under the highway.
Black Americans didn’t get to make the official reports on white massacres of black Americans, didn’t get to label these ‘incidents’ as “race riots,” and most historians and white people for decades after cling to the [white government] “official” number. I don’t think I can do that any more. The missing must be accounted for.