The Highland Park Shooting Parade
Mass Murder Still Sanctioned by U.S. Government
The Weapon Designed for War and Its Bullet-Bombs
Thank goodness for Google. At least sometimes I can scroll and scroll and finally come to some kind of answer. Because the police won’t tell us. (What a shock, right?) I just wanted to know what gun mowed down the parade-goers in Highland Park.
Now to no one’s surprise it was the assault rifle. The AR-15 was the gun of choice used in the shooting parade on Independence Day in Illinois that blew holes into at least seven humans who dead and shredded the bodies of dozens of others.
I had to hit a local news outlet to find out what gun he [the shooter, a white male right] used. In a national news blackout, the description only given as a “high power rifle,” as though the shooter had been big game hunting on the savannah.
Big game hunters shooting down the most dangerous animals don’t use assault rifles. They use hunting rifles. The sport still goes on today, sadly, in Africa, where the ultra-rich can by a permit to kill a lion or other endanger species. But they don’t hunt with assault rifles.
Don’t believe me? Check out Donnie Trump Jr’s gun he used in Africa:
Assault weapons are for Human Hunting.
Why didn’t the ordinances and local laws of Highland Park banning the gun of choice stop the shooting? The article reads at the bottom: “Highland Park has had an ordinance banning semi-automatic rifles, including AR-15s and AK-47s, since 2013.” Because it’s just a local ban. The Federal government won’t step in. And to get a hold of that powerful military gun is the dream of dejected teenager and southern white supremacists (who, to be fair, could live anywhere nowadays).
The media and police are doing everything in their collective power it seems to stop word from getting out that an “assault rifle” was used again — that is not saying AR-15. It like the NRA got to the police chief before the press did. (Or that he’s a member.) That’s the third time in row for the AR-15. First black Americans were gunned down in Buffalo with this “assault rifle.” Then Uvalde children were gunned down. Now families were gunned down in the suburbs. 13 mass murders this year, and how many involving this military assault weapon besides these last three? Google it yourself; I’ll be sad enough just guessing.
Stop! Stop believing that this is a “rifle.” It’s absurd. We’ve all seen it even if we all don’t fully understand what it does. It looks like a weapon of war. That’s because it was designed as a weapon of war. The designer said so, and he said it was for military use to beat the Soviet Kalashnikov. It was literally made for U.S. soldiers to fight and kill communists in the Cold War.
The bullets go at three times the speed and thus with three times the force as regular bullets. They are designed to penetrate the body and go right through it, so bleeding doesn’t stop and soldiers on the battlefield are wounded and can’t continue fighting.
The bullets are worse. They are hollow point and are actually bombs, hence the term Bullet-bombs. They are designed to explode in a human's body, to cause massive damage, have splinters shred through multiple organs, not just one. After exploding in the body upon impact, the bullet is transformed from looking like a missile to a looking like a starfish.
But because of its extremely high velocity, that starfish doesn’t smoothly exit the body. Instead, it pulls a big chunk out the other side. That is why you may have heard children’s heads being decapitated by the shot. It rips the neck apart, and can rip an arm off, severing bones. A few bullets hitting a child or person can literally tear them into pieces.
Open casket funerals are very difficult due to the mutilation and dismemberment of the high velocity bullet-bombs. Those are injured suffer lifelong injuries, as just one bullet-bomb can cause tearing up of tissue so severe it takes multiple surgeries to remove shrapnel. And most emergency room doctors aren’t trained to deal with war wounds, which is exact the kind of trauma these military assault weapons create.
But NRA backed gun “enthusiasts” (also known as white supremacists) will tell you that these assault rifles are not for assault. The bullets are designed for killing rodents and “vermin.” It’s just gaslighting garbage churned out by “gun rights advocates” miming the talking points of white supremacists in charge of the NRA. These people pay off congressman and senators and have no conscious. They bought Ted Cruz for $5.4 million. These weapons have no other purpose but to go war with other humans. They were designed for exactly that.
Don’t believe the lies and don’t let the silence continue. America is not a war zone. Military weapons have no right being in the hands of anyone, no matter what age.
To the hammer, everything is a nail. To the AR-15, every American is a target.