The first time I studied this white depravity I missed some details I noticed here. One is how much this is a whites —many union organized Irish— started these riots in many cities, like East Saint Louis 2 years earlier, to displace the black Americans working in “their jobs.” The truth employers liked the black Americans better: they showed up every day, worked hard, were polite, and reliable. The Irish took their paycheck and got drunk, disappearing for days on binges, not thus reliable, rude, and dangerous immigrants. They were stealing jobs in these “riots.” The one in East Saint Louis written about by black journalists in 1917 in The Crisis, an excellent article, printed the union organize letter that spoke of meeting the day before the planned massacre. This was not new. The Irish rioted in 1934 and 1963 against black immigrants and funded by Southern Democrats, who printed off anti-black newspapers, the Fox News of the 1840s and 50s. They hired the Irish in 1876 to riot in South Carolina, crossing the border from Georgia to “work” for the red shirts during the Ellenton and Hamburg massacres.
The other detail is the body. First, no white witches were burned in Salem; it was all black American men burned from 1880s to the 1940s. I noticed in this one the legs and arms look to be cleanly amputated. The depravity is severe: hung, shoot hundreds of times, dragged dead through the streets, limbs cut off, then burned. That type of depravity is unseen anywhere in the western world, even in Belgium controlled Congo where white men in the 1890s and 1910s the hands off the children of men and women who wouldn’t work on the rubber tree farms, or even in Germany in the 1930s and early 40s, were people were shot or gassed in ovens. Yes, those are depravities, but not so redundant in excessive mutilation over and over again of a dead body. These are simply a level of such excessive white brutality not seen anywhere else.
These were horrors not even seen in horror movies or slasher flicks. The murder like Jason or Freddy Kruger just kill their victims, and don’t spend the next twenty minutes continuing to cut, shot and burn the body. I’ve seen a bunch of horror movies since my youth and none were like that. The audience would have gotten up and walked out. There is nothing like these murderous white organized mobs I’ve yet found, in history or the movies. They clearly planned it, too, and no one goes to this length to keep killing a person already dead in multiple ways after the first death. The deliberate planning is what is often masked over by words like “the mob” and “riot.” The purpose was very clear: to terrorize working class Americans so severely and perversely that once driven out, they wouldn’t return and the white would steal their jobs. It’s job theft from working class black Americans trying to establish themselves through honest work after escaping the Southern 15 states.