The division of the class or caste system is done by white rich people, who obviously own and control Fox News, Brietbart, OAN and others. These a propaganda machines meant to push a white narrative to divide “the races” at all times. It does it very effectively as we see by the last election and liberals failed to understand this powerful narrative had been effective in maintaining that division since Bacon’s Rebellion. Bacon rebelled against “English tyranny” and I recently learned that as a result of overthrowing the authority of the Monarch (the second such successful insurrection against the British tyrant), laws were made to give blacks and whites equal voting rights. I’m review the original documents to verify. But the idea that “only whites could vote” was not true and varied by states, which I just found out.
Black landowners, freed from indenture or self-manumitted, did buy property and records indicate they voted as early as 1701 and 1703 in South Carolina. The law only indicated “freeholder” and not race. It took South Carolina until 1715 to make a law explicitly stating only “whites” can vote. It was very controversial as to the Monarch taxpayers were landowners and all had their rights. The Monarch was in the UK of course and surrounded by whites and a few far off distant landowning negro farmers were not felt as an existential threat to his/her rule. The threat was preventing taxpayers from voting. This disenfranchisement happened slowly state-by-state, and some Northern states refused to disenfranchise voters, leaving the original language as “freeholder.” It has a been thus a white myth shoved down our throats that “only whites land-owners could vote,” as though there was and is some universal law. There wasn’t and isn’t. Laws are made state by state and enforced thus. white myths are made universally to demoralize and make it seem that black Americans did not take part when they did.
It doesn’t matter how many black Americans voted. If it was just two in 1701 that that is enough to show that they had deliberate agency and intent to politically participated and agitate for their rights. Those two black landowners were taxpayers, and voting was not easy. It involved travel by horse or on foot to the polling place, preparation and planning, paper work and proof of tax payments. I must give this brothers credit as it was far harder to vote for them then as it is now. They overcame a lot of internal resistance to get freed, buy and own land, get the title and pay taxes, and then vote then we give them credit for. In fact, we aren’t supposed to and when we encounter such braveness we are supposed to dismiss it as an anomaly that “doesn’t count.” Of course their efforts counts, otherwise whites would not have “complained” about them voting. Their enfranchisement happened in many places, and white conservatives acted against them afterwards, and then some of those laws were overturned, re-enfranchising them. I find it fascinating that these blacks participating, as it indicated they were thus British citizens by default since only citizens could vote. And that over one hundred years leading up to the revolution they were active participants in one of the fundamental acts of democracy voting.
I found these facts I’m researching rather provocative as they destroy this “whites only voted” myth propagated and blindly followed. Whites have locked in this narrative that is not as it turns out fact based. Demoralizing of Black Americans by myth making without facts has been fundamental to white supremacist wealthy upper class since Bacon’s Rebellion was itself overturned by the Monarch’s troops that reinforced the governor who overthrew Bacon’s rule in return. It has been done all the way up to Fox News and thousands of lynchings have been done with allegations only, or lies. Fox News and “trump’s lies” are only the latest instigations and instantiations of this generative engine inside the mind of white supremacy, which is autocracy.
Thanks again.