The British Monarchy has been in power for 1200 years. The value of their "real estate" has soared (imagine owning a home for 30 years, 50, not try 500--you see how the asset value climbs.) Show that's what she inherited--all her families wealth. That includes wealth from creating slave trading to America, which they had a monoply on until 1776. The United States didn't start until then from that revolution thing from the monarchical slave trade despot, also the Queens family. THEY brought the slaves to America, seized taxes from all the plantations, as well as all the crops until 1776.
Actually, America was Britain, it was a fully owned and operated slave trading white supremacist colony. The Brits seized the Portuguese slave ship in 1620, took the slaves, and the then started slave trading companies. All those slaves and wealth generated from them in America: Yes, they were the Queen's racist ancestors. They gained tons and tons of wealth, the monarchy, kept the money, invested in more precious "real estate," like Jamica, and a whole bunch of sugar plantations in the Carribean (which they still do). They stole (or "bought at gun point") 3 million black enslaved Africans to the islands until 1833. All for the Queen, all for the King.
But somehow, because of the teacups and handbags and delicate and charming mannerism of "high society," the most white supremacist family that ever existed gets praised and you are "deciding" how you feel. The biggest slave trade on earth they controlled, this authoritarian dictator of a family, and you want to send a polite thank you card?
I do understand, as it only dawned on my recently how they are the masters of gaslighting and deflecting all blame. The chaining and enslaving--even slavery in America up to 1776--and yet you don't blame the British monarcy who owned that slavery and started the most mechnized slavery in what was Britain. Everyone blames "America" for slavery. "America" did not start slavery; America started a Revolution to over throw British slavery. The abolitionist were for ending abolition and for freeing all slaves and for inalienable rights. Yet, the masters of blame-shifting, the British unbroken line of autocracy, gets none of the blame? Why are you asking the British monarcy for reparations--they brought All the slaves to America and owned the plantations.
You remember Thomas Jefferson and all his slaves. Where do you think his slves came from and who profited from them? Sure, his dad, a loyal British subject slave owner who stole land and sent tobacco back to Britain, his home country he expressed undying loyalty to, paid taxes to, etc. King James the First started a massive slave company before he came King thanks to his Brother, the King.
The machine gun you mentioned? Yep, the British bought it from the Americans who invented it, becoming the first overseas sales of Arms right after the Civil War in 1869. Why did the British need it? To ruthlessly gun down black Africans when invading their countries of course. All credit to the monarchy, right? They then got Mr. Maxim, an American, too, who rejiggered the Gaitlan gun to make it the Maxim gun in Britain, firing up to six hundred bullets in to the guts of native South Africans who were sitting at home in thier own nations not really wanting to be invaded and slaughtered with this massive killing contrapation. They invaded West Africa to slaughter multiple nations, and did some more slaugthering in Kenya. They forced the black Africans into slavery so they could steal the coal and cocao and wheat at artifically repressed prices just like they did in America with sugar, tobacco, rice--the cash crops. Oh, I'm really like this queen and her family now. Everyone loves the White Supremacsists Supremacist. She hates Megan because a drop of black blood has ruined a 1200 year old line of pure English white blood. That is the reason she asked (politely) for Harry to come to her death bed, but--please don't bring that, that, that girl. What a lovely supremacist.
There are the Mau Maus, just going about their business, kind of like Ukrainians today, then bammo, the invaders invade their country, slaughter them, hang them, cage them. Lots of genocide and occupation then enslavement throughout Africa (politely called "colonization", like Putin is doing--he's colonizing, not "invading another country illegally and slaughtering people"). Exactly like the Russian invading Ukraine today. When you're watching the Russian war, just imagine you are watching the British invading Nigeria or Kenya or South Africa or Rhodesia, but with vastly disproportionate force of the Maxim gun and no super power to suplly the citizens of those countries with weaponry to fight of the invaders.
Total illegal invasions and slaughter of all these African nations. Then they carve those nations in half and put artifical borders around these divided nations, pit the divided countries in those borders against each other. They did this "trick" in Iraq, India (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bnagladesh). Have you seen a map of India "pre-British"? There was no India. There were really many "natural" nations that Britain conquered, destroyed, mixed up, divided, and drew lines around. The Siekh Kingdom? Gone. Ever heard of Baluchistan? Eradicated off the map. Part of it today lies in Iran, part in Pakistan. A dozen nations gone from history. But do the "Indians" blame the British? They should. Prime minister Modi of India, who hailed from the once whole nation of Gujarat that now is divided half in India and half in Pakistan, just called the British slavers and renamed the street "Kings way" to an original name honoring those who deserve it. It is like tearing down statues of traitor and enslaver General Lee and the confederate flag.
I've never like the Queen and her family of monarchs. I guess its just the American Northerner in me that believes in inalienable rights and hates repression. but since George Floyd died, I cannot respect the worst rpessors, the worst supremacists. Hitler invaded far few countries than the British monarchy, who not only invaded by occupied for far longer than Hitler's 6 year occupation in places like Poland.
People need to start calling her vicious monarchical inheritence extracted from slave trading--the worst in history--what is was. If you are and ADoS, then the companies started under her ancestors name brought your descendents to America in chains for profit--almost all of them. Don't blame shift away from the "royal" family. They did it.
Oh, and yeah, from 1833-2015 they made the British taxpayer pay reparations to them, the aristocrats and monarchy. Why? Because they lost their property, their slaves. Someone had to compensate them for their loss. Those slave companies were founded on that "real estate" you mentioned. The "country homes" (castles of the super rich and the monarchy) were leverage to lend money to start the slave trading companies. Yes, they made thier money from real estate leverage for slave trading and other auotocracies. And made the average taxpayer pay reperations to her until 2015. Why should she apologize? She was still getting rich from slavery until 2015--reparations for the rich. Not a penny went to the enslaved. Yes, it really happened. 2015--google it.
She was Queen Supremacist, from a long line of them who never apologized. "The sun never setting on the (murdering, slave trading, resource robbing) British empire." Zeig heil. As you can, I am not on the fence and hate myself for being gaslit for decades with these Room with a View romances of the gentility of Victorian England. I feel absolutely duped. And I hated monarchy to start with. I don't hold out hope for the repressed workers in Britian who still love and feel sorry for the Jamacian president who is trying to ask King Charles for permission to not be ruled over by monarchy the way Barbados did and got their freedom.