The American Nazi Party started in 1932 and went until 1967, when one of their members running for office was assassinated — by a rival (you though I was going by by liber or Jew or black American, but those are peaceful groups who believe in democracy and not autocracy). So the ANP then changed its name. That’s it, they just changed their name and went right on existing. They had their usually march to Washington and the Washington memorial last year in 2022 with no counter protestors and a police presence that protected them and escorted them into a U-Haul van rent out for the occasion that they got into on the side of the road. This year in 2023 they met again and one—-ONE!—counter protestors showed up. Some middle aged dude on a bike rode up to the outside their police barrier, probably not planned, and started ridiculing them. No one even cares to protest.
But don’t forget the practices of eugenics date back to the early 1800s when “natural increase” occurred after the slave trade ceased in 1807 as per the constitution, at the same time when demand started to sore as cotton demand soared in Britain. White pro-slavery politicians helped the small super rich elite expand their land holdings into new states, to grow as much cotton as possible, from Georgia, to Louisiana, sending in troops into Texas to claim it for cotton growing, and eventually to California. White Southern Americans animal farmers began to breed cows and slaves for this new territory, cross breeding a good black enslaved “stud” with many females in a corporate style setting. The cattle and slaves born on these farms were shipped “down river” on barges together to populate the land. Some white southerner capitalists recorded breeding techniques of black women and certain men. Children were weaned by other black mothers and were sold at age 6. It was discovered that black children and black women were the best pickers of cotton while previously owned “large black men” were not fast and nimble and couldn’t be retrained. Hence demand shot up. This was not “natural increase”, as the white euphemism suggests, but forced breeding. Even small farmers with a few slaves that were women could breed (with them for free) and then sell the children off at the right age. Children could run $15K to $30K each, so that meant a lot of money, as slave prices double in the early 1800s until it was corporatized.
Hence the population increase you see in graphs of that period show an “forced” increase from 1 million black Americans to 4.4 million until 1860, an increase of 3.4 million, more than the number the British brought to the New World in the 200 years of trading. The enslaved population is a white male forced production for massive wealth generation. The calculation the Northern Union politicians demanded from states like Georgia showed that 42 percent of all 15 or so line items of taxation was based on the value of black slaves, while land was worth less than half that, and the 13 other taxable areas like warehouses, import tariffs, etc. were the remaining 35 percent of taxation. Breeding slaves was breeding wealth. The production value of cotton was done all by hand, but the slave driving techniques of the new bullwhip could lash out over 3 to four rows of cotton, at over 10 feet long, and was allowable under law for a white slaver to use it whenever a slave appeared “rebellious” or slow moving. By this a couple techniques other techniques like the invention of the shipping machine and faster row picking along with ambidextrous child labor, and longer working hours, hand production went up by 400% an acre from 1800 to 1860. This was the greatest increase of production by humans ever in history without machines (it was not coincidently the most profitable and the most brutal, with the bullwhip snapping like a razor wire across the back of slow moving slaves or one who did meet some arbitrary daily quota that went up each week).
Bad news though. Although “slavery” as a practice ended, the Constitution introduced it as something allowable under the 13th amendment, as with vagrancy laws passed in the late 1860s, any duly convicted felon (black men standing around or without papers), could be arrested and put **legally** back into slavery. Chain gangs formed right away and increased rapidly in 1870. Cotton production expanded and reached an all time high in 1914, more than double than before slavery according to the federal reserve paper written in the 1920s, and the only way it was picked was by black hands under brutal segregationist laws that were the same as from before slavery in those 15 states, with the exception of the legal right for a white man to kill or whip a black man under the law as was permitted up until 1865 in the pro-slave states. Cotton only start NOT to be picked by hand in the 1950s. That means “sharecropping” (a polite way of saying slavecropping and one that does not refer to slavery under the allowance of the 13th), continued as production stayed high until then. To this day the illusion that “slavery ended” is rampant.
The practice ended briefly but the laws restricting movements continued, and for the first time the allowance of slavery was introduced, an allowance of power that continues to this day. EndTheException is something I only found recently about a movement to end this legalized form of slavery. Why don’t you see it today then? Because the Cotton combine rolled out in the 1950s and 60s replaced the “black hands”, and in 1970 a plan of “law and order” was hatched. Private prisons were formed, three million black Americans were swept up because of the “drug war”, and with 99 percent of poor blacks getting forced plea deals for minor offenses, were turned into felons and imprisoned in these corporate prisons where private manufacturers set up and continue to this day. Black Americans and Latinos continue to work as legal slaves until the exception clause today, some considered “indentured servants” since they are paid ten cents a day or a dollar a day to technically remove the term “slave” from them, but some still are paid nothing making eyeglasses and business cards in Nash Correctional facility in North Carolina, for example. While British practiced and constructed slavery ended in 1965 due to the forced signing of new states constitutions at “gun point” by the victors, the white supremacists in the MAGA Conservative Party (called Democrats in the south until April 1964) reversed that victory through decades of violence, disenfranchisement over three decades of black voters, chain gangs, to create one party rule starting in 1890 and lasting until 1965 (at least officially).
Yes, legalized slavery continues under the constitution, which should be extremely extremely extremely offensive (to say the least) to any black American descendant of slaves. It’s not. Probably because the American narrative is written by whites and both “sides” of the whites deny that was exists exists—slavery. See “endtheexception dot com.” It’s crazy when I discovered this website and saw many institutions signed up to end slavery. Whites will tell you slavery is over, and you can’t change the constitution. Don’t believe either of these things. Get outraged that slavery *started* in legally in 1865 and continues now today in prisons. Real slavery. Against black Americans and browns primarily, which is why they have double the incarceration rates, longer sentences, longer paroles, longer recidivism rates, etc.—higher punishments equals more profits by repressed wages—also known as slavery. It could take months to wrap your head around this truth. I have about another month to go myself.
You see, Hitler and Germany’s Nazi were amateurs compared to American supremacists, the MAGA wing now in the Republican Party. So much gaslighting, centuries, make it hard to admit to your own mind and to other black Americans you may talk to that actual slavery exists. It’s in my mind, it’s just hard getting it into my soul to believe. And yes, the Belgium in from the late 1890s to 1912 killed 15 million black Africans in a genocide-slavery in Congo, outdoing the Nazis. And the Spanish killed 8 million slaves both black and native indigenous in the biggest silver mine in the world started in the 1600s in Bolivia, also outdoing the Nazis. And don’t forget Nazi used Jews then imported from Europe as slaves sent to concentration camps for the first 9 years (33-42), about 13 million, with 6.2 million killed and 7.4 million slaves released at the end of the war still being used for slave labor). Germany had only 1 million at the beginning (including my late uncle who was half jewish and half Russian in Germany who escaped as a boy in 33 and married my mom’s older sister in 46), so they had to import the rest of the 12 million jewish slaves the way around 12 million (or more) black Africans were imported into the New World. Germany under the Nazis were just trying to catch up to the other Europeans and were actually amateur laggards in comparison, though they did a decent job of it.