That is my problem, I am ashamed. Right now I’ve reached a point where I’m not only embarrassed by the abject white racism but have become upset how brainwashed and lied to I was about American history. I don’t like to be lied to, but it keeps going on. I was even blessed to be born into a critically thinking family of socialist professors. My mother is a Quaker peach activist who stood on the opposite side of you, as one of the women in black who stood out every day, even in the snow in downtown Buffalo, taking rounds, during the second Iraq War. So while raised to reason and discern those in authority, somehow I still ended up lied to. White Americans up North where I was raised near the city have absolutely no idea how white racists in the countryside and in the South are.
In 2022, while 4 states voted to end slavery and involuntary servitude (a fancy term for captured labor slavery), the current Governor Landry, current speaker Johnson, and their political associate Louisianans drove white people out to the polls to DEFEAT the ballot measure black Americans fought to put on the ballot, with around 65 percent AGAINST ending literal slavery. About 35 percent of black Americans and some white fusionist allies voted FOR (“Yes”. On the ballot) to end slavery. Try and fathom this fact. Yet does that make the news? Is that in your consciousness?
We need you to point out this military connection and what these symbols mean. Outsiders like me don’t understand the military system. I have deep feeling that the majority of Southern white men and many Nono-Southern ones in the military make up a core of white supremacists backing Trump. It is scary how many of them have joined the new AP3 (Three percent movement) and are gearing up now for the next invasion.
It was scary last time how the military officers in the Pentagon and the FBI and ATF agents, just miles away at the time on Jan 6, who swore an oath to protect the Constitution and American government institutions just sat in their chairs not driving down with their guns to join the federal police.
Their allegiance and loyalty is to the Constitution, not to Trump, and yet they “stood down and stood by”, abandoning the principles of democracy and failing to ride into the rescue. The January 6th committee told us there would be a separate report about why no military, national guard, FBI stood down that day and no one showed up to defend the Capitol when it was being attacked. No report ever came out and no one ever told us why, and if Trump order them all to stand down as Commander-in-Chief.
Thank goodness you survived and came out with the excellent photographs and bore witness for us. I don’t think I’ve seen an independent photographs doing this excellent work in DC, though press wartime photographers are still brave and producing images, just not in DC with this artistic and independent eye showing the “Everyday” nature and every man look of the protestors just being and not acting. Next time they could come more heavily armed though, so please watch after yourself, stay safe and stay well.
And if you are falling down the rabbit hole and see a dark shadow clinging to a tree root waving at you, it’s probably just me trying to climb my way back out again.