Tasty Fetal Cells

Bren Kelly
5 min readDec 30, 2021

Religious Supremacists and the Supreme Court

Fetal Cells Donate Themselves for Science
Minority Rules Your View of Fetal Cells

[A Warning: If, at this point, before the article begins, I’ve gotten you so incensed by the title, so vilified beyond the normal clickbait titling I try to do but am not so good at compared to most people on this Medium who try to be thoughtful, which is not like the clickbait titling on the rest of the internet that only leads to vapid pictures of movie stars, then I’ll have achieved my objective for you, which won’t become apparent until the end.

You may still be shaking a bit with outrage if you are fervently Christian, and not your normal Christian believer (apologies to Muslims and Jews and Buddhists in America as I have no idea what your stance is on abortion). I want to flag this article right away because of the offensiveness of the very idea the title suggests, and some of you may go so far as to maybe even go so far as to seek my permanent ban from Medium.

If you’re not one of those people, probably very few since most people can tolerate a bit of tastiness, then you’re probably in the larger majority of those only lightly offended, and are probably thinking how I didn’t consider other religions’ relationship to abortion and fetal cells used to make vaccines — like Islam or Buddhism or Judaism or Zoroastrianism or Jainism, etc. In America we should consider all views, minority views, since all people are created equal, the very secular humanist principle at the heart of the type of democracy our country was founded on.

And that’s true! I didn’t consider them because I don’t know, I’m completely ignorant about their religious relationship to abortion and fetal cell use in science since in the USA it is the angry white Christians, I hear about protesting loudly, and seems to be de facto right-wing Christian anger that drowns out intelligent analysis by the media of how all the other diverse religions react that I’m left ignorant of their feelings.

I have no idea what they think and feel towards abortion fetal cell harvesting, and it seems the right-wing Christian outrage is so loudly portrayed in the media that no one really knows what the millions of Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists think. Tens and tens of millions when you add the numbers up, I imagine. No small sample of the larger population.

In fact, if you subtract all the Christians who aren’t so strictly anti-abortion and aren’t ragefully protesting, then you have a small group, maybe in the millions, but far less than the tens of millions of all the other religions in America. About 23 percent according to Pew Research are not even religious, thank god. Some say even 30 percent. If a third of Christians are radical out of the 44 percent who attend church every week, then that’s about 44 million radical white wing Christians (and some blacks and Latinos there too), out of 331 million Americans. That’s a high estimate of hard-core believers.

And at this point it seems like the fanatics are in control of the country and suck up all the media because of their outrage, leaving the rest of us in a group of people who have to react to them. If you watch newsclips from MSNBC or CNN, you might think there are two groups or sides in America: the severely angry right-wing of the Republican party and everyone else, whose side these non-Fox networks take and analyze for.

Another fact I kept hearing is how Fox News is the biggest watched news channel and Tucker Carlson is the most watched person nightly on that network, averaging about 3 million viewers, give or take a few hundred thousand. I heard this reported through Trump’s presidency from other sources, and there seemed to be internal praise or jealousy from the other media outlets when citing this fact repeatedly.

Then I did the math last week.

My rough calculation shows that Mr. Carlson gets about 0.9% according to the Census population being 331,002,651 officially for 2020. So really, we are all being beat about by .9 percent of the population at the most, since all the other media outlets react strongly to made up Fox controversies, and all kowtow almost daily in small part to the Fox outrage machine, the abortion machine, the 609 insurrectionists. The control the conversation.

Talk about being dominated and controlled by a minority.

It’s certainly not the minorities I was expecting. And they control the Supreme Court outcome by their fate and framing of the issue, by their bullying choice to get pro-life judges in the court. Their influence machine is so deep-pocketed and vast that they control so much daily media dialogue, it’s crazy. They are just like the super-rich, that are less then 1 percent, a tiny fraction of a minority, who have so much sway in Congress.

It’s such a small minority of fanatics that dominate our culture and protest vehemently and soak up all the controversy that it’s a shame the vast majority of people don’t take to the streets from “both parties,” from all religions, from the 80 percent who support some form of abortion even if only for rape or incest or to save the mother’s life, that if all those take the streets they would easily drown out the tiny, vociferous, violently angry protestors in front of the Supreme Court, the minority overrunning the Capitol on Insurrection Day, that they would be drowned out.

For one day the whole country, the whole world, would see America is lived in by normal people just wanting to go about their lives and want a silence to these constantly fringe social issues that don’t impact most people’s daily lives directly. It would drown out that tiny minority sucking up all the media attention, a tsunami of silent masses flooding over them, and finally we could get back to being America.

But then again, many tens of millions of Americans love to watch a good fight and chat about it, like I’m doing now, and then where would we be?]

[Oh, no, I ran out of room with The Warning and missed the main article, I do apologize. Please don’t get angry. It began like this:]

When has religion been used to dominate thought, science or justice?

Well, it turns out the Supreme Court does love fetal cells. By protecting the vaccine mandate, the Court runs the risk of supporting aborted babies used for vaccine development and production, particularly the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that used fetal cells in “the production and manufacturing stage” of their coronavirus vaccine. The Court could shoot down Roe v Wade while holding up abortion fetal cell usage completely contradicting itself for political expediency. […]



Bren Kelly

Engaged in new Ideas and old Inequalities, dismantling the system in systemic, born on the 50th Anniversary of Women's Lib Day, still seeking injustices.