So true, my mom is a Quaker, and let’s be reminded of their deep impact on human rights. They did all agree, because that is their basic philosophy behind their religion: follow your own inner light (of god). You don’t have to be a Christian anymore. My mom isn’t. You can be gay, jewish, agnostic. It’s about listening deeply to your own inner light, and letting it shine. It’s thus no wonder one of them was the first to write a booklet against slavery and calling for abolition in the late 1600s.
The movement picked up after that, especially in the US where the whole state of Pennsylvania was founded by a Quaker. They educated black humans according to their own conscious, before and after the country was founded. They put their money where their mouth is, and their belief was shown by example. Benjamin Banneker was a black man educated by Quakers in the mid-1700s who wrote the first published scientific journal, a farmer’s almanac, in the 1700s that made him profit. He built his own wooden clock. And because of his scientific brilliance, he was invited, long before EEOC, to be on the team of engineers who surveyed Washington DC to make it the Capitol.
They helped with the first abolition society founded in 1775. And the first (or one of the first) autobiographical slave narrative was published in James Gronniosaw. It just takes a small group of positive activists to make a big impact.