So true. I gave a small donation to Warnock when I heard Herschel was running. It so upset me to see him being played. Then I actually heard Warnock speak and read about his life. Such an incredible and inspiring American, he truly inspires. So I gave again. I don’t live in Georgia but I truly hope the two black Americans in the South running for senate win (thinking of Val in Florida). It would just be awesome to see people who are inspiring and deserving win rather than their opponents, who are revolting and off-putting.
Thanks again. FYI—I’ve learned in the meantime that it appears Herschel daunt gotten any traction among black voters in Georgia. None of them are that simple or naive it turns out that can see through this cheap play by Republicans. The joke is no left on the white GOP supremacists who will have to vote for a black man to rule over them, or not vote at all.