So having an admirable trait that respects women for Avis white male liberal is on par, ultimately, with some cis white right winger, like Trump, who is accused of abusing 26 women via physical sexual assault? Ultimately, they are both the same? I think you’ve read him wrong. Maybe he is trying and not succeeding for your taste, but in other columns he exposed the abuse he was subjected at home under a controlling and narcissistic cis white father. He suffered a lifetime of vicious damage from this man, and he is trying to write to unwind all that, and to support the diversity of humanity. Win or lose at that endeavor, it is still one worth making. His attempts are always welcome by me.
He is one of the few white men trying to be an ally, reliving a painful past where he experienced from the inside the abuse of what could be called a example close up of systemic white abuse that allows the abuser not only a sense of victory but a path to start and to continue that abuse on. I find him brave in stepping forward to make attempts at real compassion and empathy, and courage to be willing to expose his personal story of suffering. I’m not going to nullifying his experience and expression of it just be cause he is a cis white male who feel under the abuse, but rather applaud his efforts to give empathy towards those who have been victims. We need more people trying for this type of expression, I would wager, not less. Missing the target when trying to create an atmosphere of empathy is still hitting the bullseye for me.