Serving ten years as prince in the military is not something. And giving millions to African countries where his family invaded and slaughtered for hundreds of years is a mask of those atrocities and genocide carried out by his families “legacy.” Maybe you missed the fact that the British monarchy started the slave trade and ran it until the American Revolutionaries ended it, owning all the boats by capital investment from corporations they started in the 1600s. They had the highest returns on investment, the monarchy whose money he lives of with a $10 million dollar a year allowance, in part from that slave trade, as well as tab of trade, which they still control through shareholding —the British company and the American company combined control about all cigarette and Tobacco sales.
The went into Africa and mowed down one two thousand black Africans with a five minute spraying of the Galton gun bought from Americans after the civil war. The hired an American, Maxim, to improve the efficiency of the gun, so the Maxim gun could fire up to 600 bullets a minute into the guts of Americans in Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria. They never took any pictures of their Genocidal invasion and instead took pictures of men next to the quite machine guns in dignified poses and pictures of the queens having tea while they then stole all the resources from the invaded countries they occupied and destroyed, reducing the dignity of the inhabitants of those nations by calling them savages, tribes and other common dehumanizing labels and descriptions to justify their monstrous barbarity. Hitler then copied their pattern of Genocidal slaughter, slavery and submission without any of the fine manners, “class” and “dignity” of the royals to masquerade the same actions.
And so he failed to get away with it and continue to live off the fortune of the billion dollars he made. Prince Harry and his nasty family live on a towering mountain of Genocidal global destruction and rapacious plundering dressed up in finery and manners. They are the most brilliant PR dictators in human history, as they rally commoners to protect them in some way instead of attack them and denounce them. The King gets $120 million a year in slavery from the taxpayers while our U.S. president get $400,000, yet the British stupidly protect this rapaciousness by saying it’s worth it because he brings tourists. The White House brings tourist as well. The have a British museum stocked with artifacts they stole from all the countries they invaded; we have a Holocaust museum for all the victims killed by destructive Europeans caught up in centuries of wars to determine who was superior.