One reason for not including the ‘racist’ facts and making divisiveness is not to make white people feel bad, as the facts of white organized groups hitting and killing black Americans with impunity for over one hundred years after the Civil War only emphasizes the gruesome animalism of whites, showing the white children that for their grandparents and ancestors were vicious murdering wolves, never held accountable to gathering in crowds of thousands to watch and participate in gruesome destruction of innocent black American bodies. These children might feel bad. Most black Americans probably know about this history of barbaric violence perpetrator against them, though they could be pleased to see it in the history books. When the teacher asks, “Who wants to play the role of white murdering supremacists?” to kill up Lloyd Warner or Michael Donald, some of the black American school children will problem raise their hands quicker than whites, glad to get a part in a historical role making performance where they feel what it’s like to engage in such murderous lynchings that caused such divisiveness.