OK, you convinced me, I’ll vote in the midterms. But I still wish there was an honest third party that wouldn’t forget about minorities between elections. I feel like I’m being held hostage: if I don’t vote democrat, the the racist republicans will get the majority, I don’t want that outcome for sure, but neither do I want to always be forgetting about healthcare for all, correcting black injustice, tripling the minimum wage just to keep up with inflation, helping working families with a safety bridge to get over the river of despair when losing a job, reparations, etc. Joe passed the infrastructure bill, congratulations, a bunch of rich contractors and cronies will get paid twice as much as than they should for repairing a bridge that should have got fixed twenty years ago. If Kamala Harris or a minority or woman ran in 2024, I would consider voting democrat. If another white man steps in, I’m out. I can’t never vote bigot Republican, but I can’t keep seeing vast promises for the poor, working class, minorities, women, go unfulfilled.