Of course white people were a minority for a long time in many parts of the country. In many counties in the South after the Civil War black Americans started to get elected in counties in the south that were 75 percent of more composed of black Americans. 55 Counties in the South were 75 percent black by 1890, but most all of them lost their ability — although not their constitutional right—to vote. In Mississippi by 1960, only 1 percent of black Americans were registered to vote in a state 42 percent black. The rest of the South was 3 percent registered. And those numbers are registered, not voted. So John F Kennedy got almost no black vote in the South, because it was his party that had spend the last 143 being anti-civil rights, anti-black. When the racist Democrats left the Democrat party for not overtly defending segregation and went to the Republican Party, that had been the party of pro-civil right, having signed the 1957 civil rights bill under president Eisenhower, the same party of Lincoln stance taken almost 100 years before, they left the Democrats in the North “holding the bag.” Here was a bunch of Northern and Midwest and Californian Democrats who had worked hand in glove with the Southern Democrats for 143 years repressing black Americans in complete complicity and suddenly you expect them in 1964 or 1968 to “convert” to pro-civil rights.
Most of the people have been fooled. But not you. FDR the Democrat worked who segregated the military while serving as undersecretary under Woodrow WIlson the most openly racist President and Democrat as well. Segregated, not desegregated. He started social security not because he loved black Americas, but because he loved whites, rich one. Social Security was made for upper class whites who had lost their jobs. He made several pro-banking laws for his rich whistle buddies that have been twisted to sound lie socialism instead of white Oligarchic protectionist laws. One was the FDIC to protects banks from failure—not the “people”, not blacks. He created redlining to protect mortgage holders—who were the banks. The banks wanted only “good mortgages,” not black ones. His benevolent smiling plantation owning charm has been falsely twisted in to a a love of blacks. That is nonsense.
Yet this was the party the conditioned Joe Biden. Conditioning does not last months or years but decades and centuries. It hasn’t yet been undone. Take a look at the pictures of Joe Biden chumming around with Strom Thurmond using Google. Would a real civil rights hero be all buddy-buddy with known virulent white supremacist the way Strom was? Would anybody have voted for Biden had he been seen paling around with Trump the same way he did with Strom? I know I wouldn’t have.