Not THEORETICALLY great, but actually great above the Mason-Dixon Line by abolish slavery and installing the unalienable rights of man into laws and state constitutions by 1804. Although some states like New York took longer to enact that full abolition, it became REALITY. That wasn’t talk but action. Below the Mason-Dixon Line there was great white resistance, and white plantation owners, their bankers, lawyers, and other backers in the Conservative Party vehemently fought back to stop the forward progress of instituting democracy. North Carolina held a legislative vote in 1835 to strip away voting rights from Black Americans, freeholders which were 10 percent of the state and sided with the egalitarian party. The conservative Democrats won 66-61, a three vote margin, to change the state constitution to alienate voting rights from American citizens based on race (yes, black Americans who voted by default were American citizens as only citizens could vote.) in 1840 that new state constitution went into effect and “fusionist” egalitarians lost because the conservative Democrats cheated by stealing away voting rights from the oppositional party. That small margin suddenly grew.