No, racism is defined centrally by authorities within a government or nation state based on actual measurable actions the state takes using an arbitrary distinction of ethnicity. In the USA measurable action are centralized decisions take by the central authority, though state and local government can play a part in originating decisions. In the United States, for example, the US government defined race repeatedly to classify blacks as “lesser”; whether the three-fifths rule in the constitution that directly gave lesser worth to blacks as not counting as a whole human, or repression of the 14th and 15th by the South after Reconstruction ended resulting the near complete repression of the black vote and eliminating black representatives from being elected to congress completely until the 1920s, to Plessy decision of the Supreme Court that allowed separate but equal to stand for 58 years, of the Civil RIghts and Voting Rights Acts in the mid sixties that tore down Jim Crowe laws that repressed the black vote and their political power from being represented fully for 85 years. The government made distinct decisions that classified humans into groups of better and worse.
In China, right now as we speak, the centralized Chinese government is carrying out genocide against the Uighurs ,a Muslim group in western china. Racism manifests itself differently in each country based on the historical power dynamics measurable by laws and seen in the use of force and money. So sorry, it is not a momentary decision based on who is driving the car. The Republican party is 90 percent white and the democratic power is 60 percent white. The scales have not yet tipped, and the dominantly politically controlling ethnic group—or it you prefer ‘race—is white. In Rwanda it was the Hutus, in Germany it was the Aryan whites, etc. You can’t steal power if you don’t have it, and even black CEOs have to get loans from white controlled banks, and those black CEOs are still few and far between (I wonder why that is? Could it be racism?)