No. It doesn’t come down words. It comes down to law and application of law through force. These are not arbitrary. Hundreds of blacks were denied housing loans in the d1940 and 1950s based on federal laws applied to banks on eligibility. If you were one of those blacks that had equal or better credit than the white who received the loans yet you didn’t receive a loan, you wouldn’t be saying words and definitions are arbitrary. Instead, you might be angry you didn’t the loan because of laws and/or how the GI Bill was instituted. Speaking of the GI Bill, whites got free college education and blacks did not, though both served their country in WWII. So if you put words aside, an measure in cold hard cash given out by the federal government, then as a black person you would believe in a racism and it’s real effect on your life. But if you are a white person behind a keyboard that was never denied a loan or stopped by the police for driving while black, then you would believe in racism. Clearly you’re white. I am too, but I know racial hatred against blacks is not ‘mere’ words but verifiable action displayed in forced like lynching and money like denial of loans. To say racism isn’t deliberate ignorance.