Money and power. They groom them. All four black Congressmen were elected in mainly white districts and needed blacks for the sake of plausible deniability. Tim Scott was appointed as I recall by Nikki Haley, a Sikh. I can assure you the Wesley Hunt is hated in Texas by 80 percent of the whites in his own party. But like Byron Donalds, they are in rapidly diversify areas. They serve as anchoring points for the GOP. When all other diverse groups look at them in the historically white racist states, the new immigrants from around the world look at them, not knowing much about the depth of depravity of the South for the last few hundred years, they are good to vote because they party is not racist anymore. These new immigrants come from all over the world (Houston where Hunt and I are is super diverse and educated immigrants from everywhere). When these new groups are looking out at the right and seeing the pale white man like Texas Senator John Cornyn and then looking to their left and see a black black man like Wesley Hunt, they must fit “in between.” They feel in their guts and profound emotion based on these visual cues: Oh, if this Party excepts the blackest men and vote them into Congress, then they will accept everyone “in between,” including me. (Hindu Indian, Muslim Pakistani or Indonesian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Nigerian or Ghanan, Chinese or Korean, etc.
Oh yes, I’ve met many a Nigerian immigrant in business settings who, seeing my white skin, say they donated or voted for Trump. Educated Indian business men, middle eastern, Venezuelan, etc. They have the same matrix inside them like Trump: dominate in business, keep your women in place, make money, and ignore the thousands for jealous poor throwing sticks and stones at you. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, tougher, and you need to be tough to make it. They are conservative where they come from, and many other countries are deeply misogynistic. In fact, many Northern European immigrants who I spoke with in business settings confided in my that Trump is nuts, quite the opposite. In marginal districts and rapidly diversifying districts like those in Houston and Florida, around DC in Virginia, this strategy of buying an “anchoring point” black man is very clever and tips the election in their favor by creating a long term image. The GOP party leaders are NOT hiring and grooming them to fool “traditional” American blacks and know they can’t fool them. They keep them gerrymandered out of their districts as best they can and still don’t care for them. But they care about the “new” middle class immigrants in suburbs from the last 50 years, often educated or making their children educated. The party controls are long term thinkers and investors. Once they get rid of Trump, this will help them pivot back to the center and take in all the new minorities who don’t know much about American history and think it “all in the past” and America “isn’t like that klan stuff anymore.”
I and all readers here can’t be fooled. But they aren’t targeting us. They are creating anchor points to make a spectrum in the minds of the diverse group.