LOL -- I loved the questions and started laughing. I did answer Yes to all of them, so that made me a racist. But since I adhere to structural analytic techniques, I don't take any offense. Systemic racism underlies the cultural, history, policies, law and application of law. That's called: How it is. It can be agiatated and fought against, but those fighting to keep the inequality, the White Resisters, outnumber the whites in power historically by a margin of roughly 2 to 1 but my conservative estimate of white men in power -- that 99 percent of all elected officials on the federal level for the first two hundred years. The sentiment of those officials, and the 2 to 1 struggle I "guesstimate* could be, plus the overwhelming superiorly concentrated money of the confederate whites, has put them in superior position to browbeat and force compromise between the other 25 percent of white liberals in power (which could be closer to 5 percent by another political estimate from pre-Civil War America).
Today it's probably the same, but finding a specific white male "liberal" in a federally elected position is impossible. None of them advocated for passing the voting rights protection act, or John Lewis Bill, and rarely do any of them make concrete statements of white racial police practices. Instead, some of them simply, if pressured, "denounce hate." That's spineless way of not recognizing the controlling white male autocratic forces dominating the conservative white right MAGA wing now. That wing has lost all semblage of "Reagan decency", a man who was a white systemic racist but at least had the decency to appear reasonable and fiscally conservative. Today, that appearance has gone straight out the window and a full 67 percent of the GOP are Trump supporters, backing the factually fallacious "stop the steal" belief.
Although I can agree that all America is indeed plague with systemic racism, there are those--probably like you--who fight with the insight and intellect, the parts of the system that are systemically racist, and who spiritually believe deeply in real equality and justice all--I do try to recognize that 67 percent who are beyond reason and fight the strongest and hardest against equality, justice and the unalienable rights of each human that they are born with. This group has the most money and resist the strongest. Trump raised $500 million recently from the rich donor, while Biden got a quarter of that. Additionally, many of Trump's donors are the white industrialists who are actors or entertainers, but those who have always had their hands on the control of corporations, the strongest force consistently influencing government and bending laws and judicial decisions with a moral force of history but against it.
Thank you for your struggles and insights.