Just to note a few minor things, the rest I agree with your freedom to express. One, I don’t find myself to be “unfortunate” to be a reader, as encountering raw humanity is not bad. That leads me to two: This idea of the privilege of angry seems to be very pronounced. Trump and many white Fox heads get angry and shout people down. They seem enraged and upset. Black men will be kicked off TV for showing such anger. Their anger must appear more controlled when put into the same situation. This is just a casual reaction to your comment and I would be interested in hearing more. The conservative media heads can get quite angry, unchained and scary even of late, like they might do some whipping of those who oppose them.
Third, I won’t “hate you because you’re beautiful” but I will be jealous. Aging during covid has been hard on me and I’ve lost whatever decent looks I’ve had. Stay strong and beautiful. Peace.