It’s wonderful to see a high school journalist dive deep and reflect on these issues. Here’s something’s you may not know about California that make it appear liberal and pro-woman but really aren’t: 1. There is no minimum age of marriage, meaning 10 year olds can and have been married to older men. The number of children married between 2000 and 2018 in California according according to unchainedatlast is 23,588. The state refused to sign a law to protect children from being married in 2023 and 2024. 2. California voted 54 percent to 46 to keep “slavery or involuntary servitude” in the state constitution. The legislatures cleverly left off the word “slavery” to not alarm voters. But the reality as testified to black men in prison is that they are “slaves.” The state of California takes away their right to be free from enslavement, puts their labor into a contract, and rents them out under a system of “convict leasing.” The head of prison system and thus this slavery system is the governor. 3. Under that system, the California government can and does take away voting rights from thousands of mainly black and latinos, or “alienating” the right to vote, which is a natural “unalienable right” according to the Declaration of Independence (the word democracy does not appear in the Declaration, it is this phrase which is the basis of democracy and against “alienable rights”).
In regards to not protecting children and the state allowing for “forced marriage” of children which is really “legalized child sex trafficking” under the power of the governor, taking away voting rights under certain arbitrary conditions the state sets, and taking away the right to work under certain conditions, the State of California is not different from the State of Texas where I live. Both take away foundational, unalienable rights, in direct violation of the inherent rights we have. Check out the Unchained at last website, read through it, and explore the Truth. You don’t have democracy and California and Texas both don’t protect basic human rights under all conditions. When you research and understand these critical topics you will become an important voice in journalism.
And I haven’t even talk about martial law imposed in 1982-83 in Humboldt county when unreasonable search and seizure of land, invasions of towns and terrorizing children and families night and day by helicopter “raids” illegally conducted occurred, that started the enslavement period with factories set up inside jails to force blacks and Latinos into slavery.