It’s true, presidential Executive Orders only apply to federal government employees, in this case law enforcement. That’s because The president is head only of the executive branch, which means he’s the head executive, kind of the like the CEO. His orders have no effect outside the civil workforce he leads, and little effect inside. Then again, it was federal police who killed the Uvalde shooter and not the local police who were busy bullying parents not to rescue their own kids for 40 minutes.
But he did promise to “acknowledge” the terrible police action against black people, so that’s something right? (And by something I mean something insulting and slightly racist, since those promises to acknowledge their pain have been made for decades and decades plus a century. Remember Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain.” That didn’t make up for the previous century of police brutality either, though it made suburban liberal whites feel like he was caring. Better though to build schools.) Reparations Now.