It feels like the raw hatred of black lives is at an all time high with Trump promoting it, and Greg Abbott giving a pardoned to a man who drove his car into a peaceful crowd and shot a man. It’s mind boggling enough to recall this case and study the details of it now, realizing that driving a car into a crowd is not aggravated assault. But to call it “stand your ground” is plain evil and elevates the hatred to new heights. Trump also repeated the false claim that “antifa” was some organized violent movement of black and white Americans. Yet I remember distinctly seeing the interview with the two young white college students who made the website and said they were just making a statement and that it wasn’t a movement. Yet now it is so often repeated, antifa, that people mentally think it is was and is a movement that “balances” the violent murder of people like Perry and the political support after the murder that he and Rittenhouse got. That Trump side of the political conservative divide is looking more and more evil and white racist everyday. And they looked bad to start. Our Governor here, Mr. Abbott, is a mean spirited, low, and petty man.
Thank you for all this research and it was good to hear the note of more whites joining the BLM movement than in Civil Rights and increasing participation. The picture of the angry white woman protesting for BLM is some of that positive news.