I’m sorry but I personally like listening to Piers Morgan in this clip and thought it was very revealing. He speaks a really profound truth in a nice euphemism, “You British people who pay for the royals.” This phrase means that you, you hardworking British citizens, get your taxes taken away for your weekly labor, and then King Charles takes that money, $120 million a year (100 million pounds) from your work. By the way, if you do that math, that is about $119,600,000 more than President Biden makes per year by serving as head of state. Now I’m sorry to say this, and remember this is only my opinion, but please respect it and don’t tell Piers Morgan, but garnishing the wages is such a massive way, $120 million a year, from your average working citizen, when you and your family are worth tens of billions already from the previous 5 centuries of garnishing investor money into slave stockholders companies, where your family gave out the certificate of investment, or the “IPO” that allowed aristocratic people in your immediate family and in your circle to invest in the largest slave trading companies the world ever saw—well, I have to say that does sound a little, just a little “racist”. Come on, doesn’t it? I’m not including when they ended abolition in 1833 and made the taxpayer pay back the massive reparations bill that went to the investors (the white shareholders that included the royal family) to be made whole that took 150 years for the taxpayer to pay back. That’s go to sound, to go way out a limb here, a little white supremacist-y, no? Just a little.
I’m just saying, if you’ve done so much white racist actions to make a lot of white racist money, does uttering a comment about a babies skin color make you anymore racist at a king who the people can’t elect or get rid of?