I’m not sure I can agree with you, and singling out someone for their opinion is not appropriate. Umair did cite an unpopular prime minister according to one poll, but unpopularity doesn’t mean that Mr. Gordon wasn’t right in his opinion, didn’t have followers, or isn’t worth listening to. In my opinion, Ex-President Trump,is hideous and never reach 50 percent or even 45 percent approval rating, but he has ardent supporters and lies excessively, probably far more then Mr. Gordon. The rest of the article you talk about your OPINION of Brexit. The fact is it was put to a vote by the people. I disagreed but it is it not up to me as an American, it was up to the voter. Mr. Umair seems to have opinions, and one poll about violent in pre-Brexit Britain doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good place. It just news he and other may have experienced personal pleasure and didn’t have a bad viewpoint. In fact, the Indians in India might say the worst and most violent time was the two hundred plus years of British occupation and oppression. So after their independence, the had a better view of Britain. You present an illogical and harsh case against him. I may disagree with his option, but condemning him wholly is not what you present.