I only wish it was a “revival”, instead of what it is, a continuation. Obama got 34 death threats per day, everyday in office, and one assassination attempt—a sniper’s bullet almost hit him while he was standing the second floor balcony having a smoke. How many of those supremacists who issued death threats went to jail? What was the name of the attempted assassin? I know with Reagan it was John Hinckley Jr., and with JFK it was Oswald and his killer was Jack Ruby. When it comes to the “drug war” [on black Americans] that witnessed the jailing of over 3 million black Americans from 1980-2001 (is it over?) we hardly call that mass incarceration white racism. The actual nazi party changed it’s name in 1967 after one of their members was assassinated when running for political office (by a rival nazi), but they took on the new name and are still going, with police escorted marches around the Washington Monument. This year only one accidental protestor showed up.
But I get your points and thank you for your insights as you’re spot on.